24. What is the parasite that
causes toxoplasmosis? How is
the disease transmitted and
what are its typical

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Toxoplasmosis is caused by
protozoan Toxoplasma gondii, a

Toxoplasmosis is a disease
by cats,which are the hosts of
the parasite. eliminate toxoplasma
oocysts in ; the oocysts are
extremely remain viable
for months the environment. Human
beings infected when ingesting
water food contaminated by oocysts
when making contact with
objects.Humans can also
become by eating meat of
like pork, cow and , which
can be intermediate too. Vertical
transmission, from to offspring,
may also .

In toxoplasmosisthe cysticform of
parasite invades tissues of body,
including the brain the retina. The
infestation potentially fatal. In
congenital the child may
present and mental
retardation. The is especially
severe when as an
opportunistic disease AIDS patients.